- Space policy and asteroid defense: "What is your view on devoting 1% of the federal budget to NASA--a penny for NASA?"
- Supply-side healthcare issues: "Have the US federal dietary guidelines done anything to improve health?"
- Climate change adaptation: "Climate change affects some places more than others. Should US disaster relief policy subsidize development and rebuilding in higher-risk locations, such as coastal areas and forest fire zones?"
- Housing: "The mortgage interest rate deduction disproportionately benefits wealthy people, increasing inequality. What is your position on this policy?"
- Foreign aid: "Polls consistently show the public wildly overestimates the share of the federal budget that goes to foreign aid. As a president accountable to the people, what is the proper size and role of the US foreign aid budget?"
- Alcohol: "Alcohol consumption has a large social cost, and is a major contributor to road fatalities, property damage, and criminal activity, including sexual violence. If accompanied by offsetting tax cuts, would you support raising taxes on alcohol?
- Drones: "What is your view on the new FAA drone regulations, and do you worry they might stifle this nascent industry, undermining the US' role as a leader in technological innovation?"
- Nuclear waste: The US spent billions researching and developing a proposed long-term nuclear waste storage repository in Nevada, only to see it cancelled under President Obama and Majority Leader Harry Reid. What is your plan to ensure the safe long-term storage of nuclear waste?"
I could go on and on...