Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Let's Begin, Shall We?

Let me begin by stating what this web-log is not.  This is not a current events aggregating web-log.  Anybody who spends time online probably gets filtered news and opinion from a zillion different sources.  Nor is it a bizarre-news aggregator.  Specializing in some particular theme or subculture might be a way to build internet prestige, but it is too constricting for me.  

This blog is simply an idiosyncratic chronicle of my thoughts on various issues.  I'll focus mostly on political, economic, and environmental topics, but include political science, natural science, and philosophy as well.  Throw in subtle notes of art and culture and we've got a nice brew going here.

I envision Unity Politics consisting of short opinion essays with applicable links, spiced up with the occasional book review (I'm a non-fiction fiend).  Once I build some institutional love, I'll start drawing original political cartoons and posting them.

Nothing to explain about the name Unity Politics.  I just thought it had a nice plain-vanilla professionalism to it.  Enjoy!